January 2018

I'm not a fan of Winter. Being from the North East, I'm used to it. But I still hate it.  Snow days are cool if you have someone to cuddle with.  But other than that, I'd rather be on a beach right now.

But glamour never takes a day off! So I won't let the cool temperatures stop the show.  It's still gala/formal season in DC and plenty of socials to attend.

Winter Blues

I'm not a fan of Winter. Being from the North East, I'm used to it. But I still hate it.  Snow days are cool if you have someone to cuddle with.  But other than that, I'd rather be on a beach right now. …
Now that winter has set in -_-, many of us need to step up our skincare game.  Although I am still on the younger side, I've noticed that my skin isn't as vibrant as it used to be :(. I also hate wearing foundation.  BB cream, mascara, and eyeliner are my everyday essentials. I need a skincare system that will give me a natural glow without wearing makeup.  So when I came across Saranghae
I was super excited to try it out!

Saranghae Beauty: 5 Step Routine for Beautiful Skin

Now that winter has set in -_-, many of us need to step up our skincare game.  Although I am still on the younger side, I've noticed that my skin isn't as vibrant as it used to be :(. I also hate wearing foun…