Why I Love Washington D.C.

I’ve been in DC 4.5 years now and I absolutely love it!  It’s a powerful city with an abundance of opportunities, things to do, and people to meet!

Thomas Jefferson Memorial

            Washington D.C. is the nation’s capital; the most powerful city in the country, and one of the most powerful cities in the world!  It’s also an international city.  So imagine the type of people I meet in this city.  I meet people from all over the country and world here!  I’ve even met people from my hometown, New Haven, CT!  It’s a transitional city, so it’s rare that I meet someone who’s actually from D.C.; especially with rapid gentrification, but that’s another story.  I love meeting people from different backgrounds and learning about their culture, hometown, etc.  I also meet people from different economic and educational backgrounds here.  I’ve learned a lot about finance, politics, and history from the people I’ve met here.  Everything I’ve learned plus my experiences here have caused me to change and grow in ways I’ve never imagined.  My views have changed, my taste has changed, my attitude towards life has changed, and I’ve changed, for the better of course.  D.C. is a political city, so I meet many people who work in politics/politicians, human services, nonprofits, and people who want to make to world a better place.  They have inspired me to do more for my race, community, and the world!
Embassy Row

            Another reason I love D.C. is because there is so much to do here!  I’m never bored in this city!  On any given day, I can find an activity or event to attend.  Some days I have to choose between multiple events.  I can go to art galleries, museums, concerts, festivals, wineries, parties, and galas (which I love).  That’s how I meet so many people here!  Since D.C. is the nation’s capital, there is a lot of history in this city.  There are many historical buildings, neighborhoods, and sites to explore, like Frederick Douglass’ house or the Watergate hotel.  Being in such a historical city has sparked my interest in history.  Since many of the buildings are older an historical, it adds to the beauty and charm of the city.  I love the Victorian, and Neoclassical styles of buildings like the Treasury building.  I have a thing for vintage and antique items/looks and I try to express that through my style and home.  One day I will finish decorating my place and show it off lol!
Library of Congress
            One of the downsides of living in D.C. (I live in D.C. not MD, or VA) is the cost of living.  D.C. is one of the most expensive cities in the country.  It wasn’t always this way, but gentrification has caused prices to rapidly rise and push many people out.  Thus, the reason it is no longer called Chocolate City L.  On the upside, there plenty of opportunities out here and a lot of money to be made.  Many people are doing very well out here (not everyone of course).  That’s another reason I love D.C.! I feel like I can have the life I desire here.  If I work for it of course.

            It’s been a journey since I moved here.  But it’s also been the experience of a lifetime.  It hasn’t always been easy, especially in the beginning.  But the experiences and lessons I’ve learned have been worth it.  I plan to make this move permanent by buying property soon.  I know it won’t be easy.  These outrageous prices make it seem almost impossible.  But I don’t really believe in the word impossible.  Will it be challenging? Yes.  But not impossible.  If I work hard, be persistent, consistent, and never give up, I will get what I want! Stay tuned!


  1. I love D.C. too! Like you said, the architecture is so beautiful and there is so much to see and do. I love all the museums but I'll have to visit again soon to check out what else the city has to offer.

    1. Yes! It's too much to see in one visit! I've been here almost 5 years and I'm still exploring!

  2. I am a travel blogger but have yet to make it to D.C. I will keep all of these tips in mind when I visit eventually.

  3. I've not been to DC, but have been to New York. I know, that's like comparing apples to oranges. But it's great that you have found 'your' city. I found 'my' city in Portland Oregon.

    1. There are some similarities between NY and DC. NY is still much more faster paced and expensive!!

  4. D.C. looks awesome! A friend of mine just relocated there. I plan on visiting some time and checking out the Nation's capitol!

    1. You should definitely visit! Especially during the summer!

  5. I live in DC too! I love Embassy Row (Mass Ave NW) especially during May's Passport DC embassy open house event.

    1. Hey neighbor!! I love that event too! I had a great time at the last one!!

  6. I love visiting DC. I haven’t had a chance to do all of the touristy things but I have been making a list. You make me want to come visit again soon.

    1. It's too much to see in one visit> You should definitely come back!

  7. I have never been to Washington CD before, but looking at the photos, it looks beautiful! Come to think of it, I haven't been to any of the States on the East Coast.
    Juli of Once Upon a Cheerio

    1. It is a beautiful, old/new city. Sounds like it's time to make your way to the East Coast!

  8. The pictures are great and you look awesome too! Seems like this you blend well and you deserve this beautiful site. I enjoy reading your post.

  9. Looks like DC is a beautiful place to live! I hope I will be able to visit someday. By the way, you look gorgeous in that dress!

  10. I've never been to DC but I'm dying to go! As a history nut, there are so many places I can't wait to check out! Thanks for sharing!

    1. This is definitely a place to visit for a history nut! I've learned so much since I've been here!

  11. DC looks amazing. I love those little colour red houses. So glad you are doing well and loving it since you moved.

  12. I love Washington because it's a great mix of the North and South.
    See more information about Washington DC visit https://homeia.com/city-living-guide/what-is-it-like-to-live-in-washington-dc/
