Pretty in Pink Summer

This has been a Summer like no other.  Not in a good way unfortunately.   Despite the total chaos of the times, I try to focus on the good when I can.  

I also try to surround myself with things that make me happy.  I surround myself with my loved ones, plants,  flowers, therapeutic candles and oils, and pretty vibrant colors like pink.

Greenworks Florist in DC

Although red will always be my favorite color, I've been obsessed with the color pink this Spring and Summer.  Pink is the sweet side of the color red.  Like red, pink represents love.  It also represents affection, compassion, peace, and everything else nice.  Wearing pink can naturally boost your mood.  And pink makes everything look pretty. 

The Spring Summer Collection at TaeLamode was inspired by the color pink.  It was also inspired by the pretty pink flowers I discovered on my walks through my neighborhood.

This luxe pink satin cutout midi dress is perfect for a social distance, Summer soiree.  Some places are still under strict restrictions.  But private parties are a thing!

This floral lace maxi is perfect for a Tropical vacay.  Its sexy, flirty, and ultra feminine.  The U.S passport isn't worth much at the moment.  But that won't last forever.  Until then, this will also work for a private party or event.

It isn't always easy to ignore the craziness that's going on around us.  But if you try hard enough, you can always find at least one thing to make you smile throughout the day. :) 

Until next time, stay safe and wear a mask!